Shipping Updates Amidst Chinese Lockdowns

In lieu of sending direct update emails about orders, we'll start periodically making blog posts with updates about shipping, along with other updates on the company! 

A couple weeks ago, many regions of China went into complete lockdown as the Omicron variant of Covid swept through the country. As a result, many of the components we ordered directly after launch that were scheduled to arrive with a healthy buffer time have been stuck in customs for almost a month. We sent an email to notify some customers that their kit order would likely be delayed by a couple weeks.

The end of that couple week extension is this Saturday, April 9th, and we are on track to resume shipping by that date! Folks that just barely missed the Early Bird batch should receive package shipping notifications later this week, with many more shipping through the following week.

A few critical packages that have been stuck in customs have finally been cleared, and are en route for the office. We've been working on getting as many kits assembled as we can without the few things we've been missing, so as soon as these few packages arrive we'll be able to get kits out the door as quickly as possible.

I'll post here again once we have more news to share, but know that we're doing everything we can to get these few shipments in house and get your kit in the mail. We appreciate your patience and understanding, and we're looking forward to seeing what you make with your machine!

If you have any questions or concerns, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. We're more than happy to answer any questions or address any concerns you have about your order.
